Cancun and Shopping Trips

No matter where you live in the world, you will find that everyone loves to shop and when it comes to Cancun, there is no exception. You will find that Cancun has tons of malls, market places, boutiques, and more. You can shop for anything you would like or need in Cancun. It is a one stop-shopping place.

If you are from the states, you will notice that Cancun will have plenty of stores that are available in the states so that you can feel comfortable and happy shopping in Cancun, Mexico. When shopping here, be wary of prices and always keep the exchange rate in the back of your mind—shop owners take advantage of tourists in some places by spiking prices. Some of the most well known Cancun shopping malls include Plaza La Isle, Flamingo Plaza, Plaza Caracol, Forum-by-the-Sea, and Plaza Las Americans.
While you are in Cancun, do not forget that you are in Mexico.

You will want to make sure that you go with some ethnic shopping, but you will find that there are malls open to give you anything that you are looking for or carry purchases that will strike your fancy. Handcrafts at markets are probably more your style in this case. One of the largest and most famous places to shop for a market experience is Market 28, located in downtown Cancun. It is a very easy destination to find, and close to a number of other shopping centers.

There are tons of things that you can explore in the Markey and you will find tons of traditional Mexican clothing and other merchandize like jewelry, pottery, and other handcrafted items. Here, you can explore a market of fun gifts and souvenirs, such as traditional Mexican clothing and blankets, jewelry, pottery, and other hand-made items. It is similar to an American flea market—haggling for a better price is not only acceptable, but is even expected by vendors. Other such markets include Coral Negro and Market Ki-Huic.

When you are in Cancun, you can feel safe knowing that you can find a Walmart, Home Depot, Costco, and a Sam’s Club. Mexican businesses like these are available as well. Shopping here is good in a pinch when you need an item, but these stores are no different than the stores you will see at home.

Make sure that you exchange all your money at the bank in Cancun so that you can pay properly. There are some places that will accept American money, however, not many. In addition, with the American money you have to deal with all of the extra associated fees. There are rules to the money issues in Cancun. You will want to bring in and out of the money. Always check the laws of the money situation so that you can plan the amount of proper monies.

In addition, purchasing and bringing them home can be a problem. Make sure that you stay within the guidelines of weight of your bags and that you follow all the rules of Mexico and American airlines. You may want to think about having larger items shipped directly to your home. Always check customs about the things that you can and cannot not bring home with you. This will save you a lot of time when it comes to getting through customs.