Getting to and Enjoying Cancun

No matter where you are going to Cancun, you may find that the traveling arrangements might be some thing that you may become concerned about. There are a number of things that you will want to see in Cancun and there are a number of ways that you can get around the city. You will want to make sure that you do all of your research on the transportation options so that you are able to make the best options for your family and for your traveling group. You will find that the transportation problems can become a headache while you should be having a relaxing tropical vacation. You will find that it is so important to know how you are going to get to Cancun and around Cancun.

First, you will want to take care of the transportation that will get you to and from Cancun. Depending on where you live, you can take a plane or drive into Cancun. A travel agency can help you plan this best. You will find that travel agents will help you take care of some of the airline plans and they will be able to get your great rates and will tell you about all of the transportation rules in Cancun and the rules of traveling over the American border into Mexican territory. There are, for example, certain products that can not be taken to and from Mexico. In recent years, regulations have been tightened, as immigration has become a problem.

It is very important that you try to find your way around the city once you get to Cancun. Taxies are a safe and easy way to travel, since most drivers understand English and have a deep understanding of the places in the city and how to get there fastest. Taxies, however, can be expensive. You will find that with Mexican taxies, you will be given two rates, but make sure that you agree on a price before you begin your trip. Once you start driving, there is little you can do to stop your driver from swindling you into paying a very high price. You can also use a water taxi while in Cancun. They will help you to go to a specific island or beach and are used mostly for tourism.

It’s hard to believe, but you will also take a bus while you are in Cancun. This is a less expensive option, but difficult for families to use, since buses can be quite crowded. If you plan to take the bus in Cancun, make sure that you use pesos, and not American coins to pay the fair. There happens to be four different buses that will take you to the downtown area, but you will want to make sure that you are on the right on, before you pay the fair. Buses in Cancun, as in America, sometimes run late so prepare for delays. Once you get on the bus, remain in your seat, since speeds are very high in Cancun and drivers speak little or no English.

Be aware that to get off the bus, you are going to have to do some pushing and shoveling to get off the bus. This is not considered rude—if you don’t push your way through, you may ride the bus forever! The bus doesn’t stop unless you wave at it, and if no one is at the bus stop, it will not even slow down, so if you want to get off, you must push the red button by the back door of the bus to indicate this.

You really don’t want to walk either. Walking can be very dangerous. You will want to stick to public transportation and you will want to use the local taxies and buses. Also, make sure that you run across the street because you will find that the drivers do not pause for pedestrians, nor have to. Also, it may not be safe for you to walk the streets at night.